Please save my life! I do not want your money! I just want your support: comment, share and report!

Complaint received by the Ombudsman's Office

A single ideology in the public sector: "slaves of the system and enemies of the people" The closest thing to Communism!

How to trust a Ministry of Public Health that allows tons of dog faeces to mix with river waters! How to trust a government that allows thousands of sick dogs to move freely through the streets!

Tourist Alert in Ecuador!

Message to my North American Colleagues:

Dear, are you outdated?
Do not visit Ecuador; it's full of penetrating fleas!
It has become the Dead Pool of Latin America!

The Ecuadorian government is lying to tourists. Ecuador is not a safe country.

Ecuadorian public health has been hijacked by bureaucrats and corrupt politicians. 

They feed on citizen sweat and have turned their backs on their own people!

Check it out!

Who is really this Mister who is blocking my right to live?

Who is really this Mister who is blocking my right to live? Quito, February 21, 2019.

Who is really this Mister who is blocking my right to live, sitting with an ironic smile and arms crossed: just before the UN, WHO and Human Rights?

Will he be a envoy from God? Is he an exceptional policy or a respectable academic? I do not think so! We know deeply the human being.

Over time, we learned that an intellectual and honest person has the ability to reborn in itself the conscience and courage in the face of insurmountable problems.

The truth is that the Mr. President Lenin Moreno Garcés, suffers from character and wisdom to solve complex problems nuanced by adversity.

His advisors, in addition to the academic knowledge, had to present in their resume, certificates that accredit certain moral principles; and not manifest as officials attached to wages, privileges and special interests.

The evidence presented is undeniable. Disrespect for the safety of citizens is also unforgivable.

Beyond prepotency and arrogance, in the end, everything is an ideological block.

They do not want to acknowledge that a political refugee, outside the "governmental circle", is holding a scientific truth!

It is disconcerting to see how mockery and ignorance cancel the best qualities that a President should have: humility, kindness and respect for the rights of their constituents.

On repeated occasions, history has shown that in situations of denunciations concerning public health, grasping indifference as a weapon hurts more than a vile aggression.

Apparently, this gentleman has the answers to all my problems.

So dear colleagues in defense of Human Rights, journalists, lawyers and citizens; please, let's all focus on him. We need to know his opinion about it.

Then I invite you to review the following questions; questions, which in my opinion should be answered:

1. Mr. President, why does the Ecuadorian government allow a million sick dogs on the streets?

2. Mr. Lenin Moreno Garcés, do you know the meaning of the following words: "Tunga Penetrans"? Do you know how far these ectoparasites could penetrate, if a carrier, for a long time, lacks specialized medical attention?

3. Mr. President, knowing the Ecuadorian medical authorities this information, for almost a year: Why not the required medication has been administered to Mr. Mejías?

4. Mr. President, do you believe that the Ecuadorian population is safe? With so many dogs, unhealthiness and sick people, there is no possibility of contagion?

5. Mr. President Lenin Moreno Garcés, if it does not exist in Ecuador, country with the highest concentration of biodiversity on the planet: medicines, medical protocols, technology and scientific personnel, to combat diseases related to hemoparasitosis and tungiasis; could be interpreted, that your government is lying, in a matter of security, to American tourists?

6. Mr. Lenin Moreno Garcés, the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador is outdated? Are Ecuadorian scientists outdated?

Is it true that: "Ecuadorian public health has been kidnapped by corrupt bureaucrats and politicians, and they are fed by citizen sweat and have turned their backs on their own people"?

7. Mr. President Lenin Moreno Garcés, have you received a complaint from Mr. Mejías, through Mrs. Verónica Espinosa Serrano, Minister of Public Health of Ecuador?

8. Mr. President, have you contacted, to resolve this situation, the Ecuadorian OMS? Have you contacted PAHO or WHO to ask for advice on this problem?

9. Mr. President Lenin Moreno Garcés, according to your words delivered in a speech at the UN assembly; of: "improve access to medicines and not privilege large pharmaceutical companies":

Could you explain to us why have you allowed the control of pharmaceutical companies for certain strategic medicines such as Ivermectin?

10. President Lenin Moreno Garcés, is it possible that in this case, you are prioritizing against Mr. Mejías, the police investigation and not the scientific one?

Is it true that the Ministry of Interior are pursuing him for denouncing government corruption?

11. President Lenin Moreno Garcés, it is correct that Mr. Mejías is receiving direct assistance from the citizens; and not, as it corresponds, by the Ecuadorian public institutions? Is it not an immoral position on your part?

12. In the particular case of Mr. Mejías: have you, as a government, the obligation and responsibility to ensure that government institutions and foreign organizations accredited in the country, respect the agreements signed with the UN, regarding Human Rights?

The Ecuadorian state has the moral and institutional capacity to supervise and audit these NGOS; call: WHO, HIAS or UNHCR?

13. Do you know the legal implications to which you are exposed in the event that the evidence shown by Mr. Mejías were valid; and also consist of sick witnesses involved, including minors?

Dear, obviously it is intended to minimize a problem that has been affecting thousands of Ecuadorian citizens for decades.

Then a question is imposed:

What is novel in this case?

Well, obviously, the novelty of this case is not the diseases, the lack of political awareness or the abandonment to which the marginalized sectors in Ecuador have been subjected.

The novelty in this case is my person.

I, with a brilliant mind, which has given me the ability to understand and be able to denounce what is happening. Me, with a noble soul and a lion's heart; that I fear nothing or anyone: only God.

I will not rest until I find the truth!

Not even death will rob us of our efforts!

This project will remain as a beacon of light for others to find the way.

Dear, for all of this:

I hold Mr. Lenin Boltaire Moreno Garcés, with identity card / passport number 1703597375, of Ecuadorian nationality; responsible of physical and legal integrity:

first: of my person.

second: of the citizens involved in the case.

Are there scientists in Ecuador?

Audiovisual and literary rights. Code: 1901239717693

Are Ecuadorian Doctors Outdated?

Ecuadorian Penetrating Flies

Registration: 1901039519152



Publication No. 1

All rights reserved.

Dear citizens, little by little I will be publishing a group of questions that from social networks usually make me people, colleagues, professionals and friends from all over the world.

Questions compiled with a journalistic style; from the languages: English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.

No more, let's start.

J: What is the problem with the Ecuadorian government?

A: They do not believe what I am saying.

J: Why the government does not believe you?

A: Simply because they do not know the subject.

J: Are you telling me that the Ecuadorian government does not have the scientific capacity to take on this situation?

A: Frankly, that's how it seems.

J: Do you know what you are saying? How is it possible that a country, in the 21st century, does not have the medical infrastructure to solve these diseases?

A: Everything indicates that they have "accommodated" to certain social behavior. The citizens solve the problems of "fleas" with veterinarians and not in hospitals.

J: Please, they are fleas!

A: No. At least what I have, they are not.

J: What are they then?

A: Well... first I need you to answer these two questions: Do you know the lice? What size can they have?

J: Of course! They measure about a millimeter.

A: Well, I tell you, I now have dozens of them out of my body; everywhere: in the eyebrows, in the hair, in the beard, etc .; ready to jump on other people.

J: One moment Mr. Mejías! Why do not you go to the pharmacy, buy "permethrin" and solve the problem as others do? Is the issue so complicated?

A: Yes, indeed, it is complicated.

J: Why?

A: First: this plague of "lice" have made nests inside my body and also in the house. That is, no matter how hard I try to deal with them, they will always be there.

Second: They do not measure a millimeter like common lice. Without exaggeration, they are 10 to 20 in a millimeter. They sting strong and eat blood.

J: Do you have proof of this?

A: It is not subjective. Yes, I have evidence.

J: God! How did you get those bugs?

A: I do not know; I guess someone hit them. I have noticed, in the distance, how people often scratch in public. I think it's an Ecuadorian condition.

J: Well, let's move on to another topic.

I would like you to take some time before answering my question: Are you crazy?

A: I do not know. How could I know?

J: Do you have allusions, are you incoherent?

A: I'm not incoherent. Actually, I hate incoherence.

J: Do you have any kind of psychosis?

A: Yes. The bites and the pain have triggered an idea in my head. It is repeated constantly.

J: Can you tell us what it is?

A: Yes. I want to denounce these deceivers and irresponsible sons of bitches, everywhere; in social media and communication. It does not matter the consequences of my actions.

Is Ecuador still anchored to the 19th century?

"In the country of the fierce fleas, it is forbidden to speak ill of them".
All rights reserved

Dear, we have made a brief social study based on the behavior of the citizens "on foot"; who, unjustly, are forced to walk with their heads down, measuring their footprints, so as not to trip over the droppings of abandoned dogs in the streets.

For this, we take as a point of reference four urban blocks; which implies: 10 streets and 20 lanes.

It has been confirmed that approximately every 50 steps there is a 90% chance of stepping on a dog crap.

We calculate that at the reference point
(four urban blocks) There are about 10 pounds of fecal stools.

Respectful with mathematics, we estimate that throughout Ecuador, there could very well be 1000 reference points with similar characteristics.

Then, we proceeded to multiply the 10 pounds of depositions by 1000 reference points throughout the national territory, that gave us the value of 10,000 pounds, equivalent to 4.5 tons.

Where do all these droppings go when it rains?

We know!

According to the publication of the newspaper "El Comercio" in Quito:

Towards the rivers, source of water for human consumption.

It's even worse when it's not raining!

When it does not rain, the excrement dries and dissolves in small particles, mixing with the environmental dust.

This dust enters commercial premises, restaurants, houses, etc.

But beyond what they represent the excrement of stray dogs, they are not the main problem.

The following question defines everything:

Why does the Ecuadorian government allow thousands of sick dogs to roam the streets?

Everything leads us to think that there is a redundant and perverse circle in our society!

Redundant, because it is infinite; perverse, because it is unsustainable and immoral.

Police - One million criminals circulating freely in the streets - Population - Stray Dogs - Ministry of Public Health - Etc...

Citizens must somehow protect themselves. They need to look for alternatives to reverse the situation.

It is normal for a family to own one, two and even three pet dogs. Cases are known in which a family has a dog at home and two permanently in the street.

By God, at certain times, in certain popular neighborhoods, more dogs are seen than people!

Throughout history, dogs have been carriers of vectors that directly affect the health of human beings.

According to the publication of the UCE publishing house in Quito, each dog is the carrier of more than ten vectors.

Who denounces these problems? No one! Who says he has fleas? No one!

Everyone is running towards the commercial premises of veterinary products!

We observe with perplexity, as in Ecuador, the Ministry of Public Health has "accommodated" to this social behavior.

They would have to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in technology; in medical, teaching and scientific personnel, specialized in hemoparasitosis.

Dear, I must inform you that we are waiting for the pronouncement of the Ministry of Public Health on the complaint filed in relation to a dangerous vector; which, literally, has invaded my whole body.

Ecuadorian veterinary scientists have a moral obligation to give "on foot" citizens a deserved response!

My Legal Rights Reserved Online: United States of America.




Dear, unfortunately there is irresponsibility and total abandonment of the authorities.

Who denounces these problems? No one! Who says has fleas and is transmitting them? No one!

Only one person who has little time left to live (due to severe tungiasis, I have brain penetration).

Only a person who has the position of conscience of having infected other people: known artists, pastors of churches, etc.

There are enough tests! They know that everything is true and they are avoiding to recognize the case!

First: because they would have to review the medical protocols and procedures.

Second: they would have to change the focus of teaching methodologies in the faculties of medicine, biology, veterinary science, clinical laboratory, scientific research, etc.

Third: they would have to invest in technology; in medical, teaching and scientific personnel, specialized in hemoparasitosis.

Fourth: they would have to increase sanitary controls related to the production, sale and consumption of meat throughout the country.
There is a possibility that tungiasis is transmitted through contaminated meats, from diseased animals.

Fifth: they would have to invest in fumigations in 75% of low-income houses, buildings and buildings.

Sixth: they would have to solve the problem of stray dogs.
How to trust a Ministry of Public Health, which allows tons of dog droppings to mix with river waters! How to trust a government that allows thousands of sick dogs to move freely through the streets!

Dear, the doctors have been making a bad diagnosis of my illness for five years; and I am, about a year, trying to break a strict blockade by the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador.

There is no courtesy on my part, nothing is left! I have little time to live and I want to save the health of the Ecuadorians!

I do not want to die kneeling like a dog or a criminal. I was not born for it. I was supposed to be composing symphonies and not being entangled with an army of deceitful and corrupt officials.

I want to die like a soldier. That is why I am denouncing the Minister of Public Health of Ecuador. She knows the problem, she is an irresponsible young woman.

In short, my dear, there is a social delay. The evidence shows that they are still anchored in the 19th century.

Corruption in the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador


Who is really this Mrs. who is blocking my right to live, sitting with an ironic smile and arms crossed: just before the President of the Republic, WHO and Human Rights?

Will she be a envoy from God? Is she an exceptional policy or a respectable academic? I do not think so! We know deeply the human being.

Over time, we learned that an intellectual and honest person has the ability to reborn in itself the conscience and courage in the face of insurmountable problems.

The truth is that the Minister suffers from character and wisdom to solve complex problems nuanced by adversity.

Her advisors, in addition to the academic knowledge, had to present in their resume, certificates that accredit certain moral principles; and not manifest as officials attached to wages, privileges and special interests.

The evidence presented is undeniable. Disrespect for the safety of citizens is also unforgivable.

Beyond prepotency and arrogance, in the end, everything is an ideological block. They do not want to recognize that a person outside the "ministerial circle" is holding a scientific truth!

It is disconcerting to see how mockery and ignorance cancel the best qualities of the human being: humility, kindness, research and medical Christianity.

On repeated occasions, history has shown that in situations of denunciations concerning public health, grasping indifference as a weapon hurts more than a vile aggression.

Apparently, this lady has the answers to all my problems.

So dear colleagues in defense of Human Rights, journalists, lawyers and citizens; please, let's all focus on her. We need to know her opinion about it.

Then I invite you to review the following questions; questions, which in my opinion should be answered:

1. Mrs Minister, do you think there is a relationship between psychiatry and hemoparasitology?

2. Have you assessed the evidence of Mr. Mejías or consulted the case with a specialist in the matter?

3. Have you undergone any medical procedure on the wounds to clinically verify if what he has is true?

4. Mrs Minister, a biopsy has been done?

5. Do you think that a simple x-ray can reveal what the expanded samples reveal 10 to 20 times in their original size presented by Mr. Mejías?

6. Mrs. Minister, do you know the meaning of the following words: "Tunga Penetrans"?

7. Do you know how far these ectoparasites could penetrate, if a carrier, for a long time, lacks specialized medical attention?

8. For what reason has Mr. Mejías not been admitted and administered the required medication?

9. Mrs. Minister, you consider this statement relevant:
"Thousands of anonymous citizens, sick with hemoparasitosis, are circulating freely in the streets"?

10. Do you believe that the Ecuadorian population is safe? Is not there the possibility of contagion?

11. Are there medicines, technology and scientific personnel to combat the diseases related to hemoparasitosis in Ecuador?

12. Is it true that the Ministry of Health is inducing doctors to deny hemoparasitosis due to lack of medicine in hospitals?

13. Does the President of the Republic know about this situation?

14. Why has the Ecuadorian government allowed control of pharmaceutical companies for certain strategic drugs such as Ivermectin?

15. Do you think that the price per dose of the drug Ivermectin (6 mg per one dollar) is fair?

16. After reading the opinion of Mr. Mejías about the advanced state of his illness, which requires more than 100 mgs per dose, can one say that there is an overprice in that product?

17. Do you believe that WHO, in Ecuador, is an autonomous entity or an extension of government?

18. Have you received the complaint of Mr. Mejías through the Ecuadorian WHO?

19. Do you know if the complaint was given the corresponding procedure within the WHO?

20. Has there been medical malpractice? Has the chain of medical procedures in the "Eugenio Espejo" hospital been broken?

21. Does this chain of medical malpractice, which includes: not sending samples for analysis in the laboratory and imposing a "psychiatric sentence" to discredit the patient, is directed specifically towards foreign refugees or is for all patients, including to the Ecuadorians?

22. Is it true that the documents showing the participation of Dr. María Victoria Santofimio, leader of the Dermatology service of the "Eugenio Espejo" Hospital, are being concealed?

23. Have you received a complaint sent to the President of the Government, through Mrs. Nastenka Soledad Ordoñez Ayala DIRECTOR OF CITIZEN ATTENTION OF THE PRESIDENCY OF THE REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR?

24. Is it possible that, in this case, you are prioritizing the police investigation and not the scientific one?

25. Do you know the legal implications to which you are exposed in the event that the evidence shown by Mr. Mejías were valid; and also consist of sick witnesses involved, including minors?

Dear colleagues, obviously it is intended to minimize a problem that has been affecting thousands of Ecuadorian citizens for decades.

Then a question is imposed:

What is novel in this case?

Well, obviously, the novelty of this case is not the diseases, the lack of political awareness or the abandonment to which the marginalized sectors in Ecuador have been subjected.

The novelty in this case is my person.

I, with a brilliant mind, which has given me the ability to understand and be able to denounce what is happening. Me, with a noble soul and a lion's heart; that I fear nothing, or anyone: only God.

I will not rest until I find the truth!

Not even death will rob us of our efforts!

This project will remain as a beacon of light for others to find the way.

Dear, for all of this:

I hold Dr. Verónica Espinosa Serrano, MINISTER OF PUBLIC HEALTH OF ECUADOR, responsible for physical and legal integrity:

first: of my person.
second: of the citizens involved in the case.

Who is really this guy?


Who is really this guy who is blocked my right to live, sitting with an ironic smile and arms crossed: right before the Minister of Health, the President of the Republic, WHO and Human Rights?

Will he be an envoy of God? Is he an important politician or a respectable academic? I do not think so! We know deeply the human being.

Over time we learned that an intellectual and honest person has the ability to be reborn in itself, conscience and courage in the face of insurmountable problems.

The truth is that he is an official with influences, "a man of confidence"; In charge of sweeping the crap under the government carpet.

Apparently, this man has the answer to all the problems.

So dear colleagues in defense of Human Rights, journalists, lawyers and citizens; please, let's all focus on him. We need to know your opinion about it.

Then I invite you to review the following questions; questions, which in my opinion should be answered:

1. Do you think there is a relationship between psychiatry and hemoparasitology?

2. Have you personally assessed the evidence of Mr. Mejías or consulted the case with a specialist in the matter?

3. Have you undergone any medical procedure on the wounds to clinically verify if what he holds is true?

4. Has he had a biopsy?

5. Do you think that a simple x-ray can reveal what the expanded samples reveal 10 to 20 times in their original size presented by Mr. Mejías?

6. Is there medicine, technology and scientific personnel to fight diseases related to hemoparasitosis in Ecuador?

7. Is it true that the Ministry of Health is inducing doctors to deny hemoparasitosis due to lack of medicine in hospitals?

8. Does the Minister of Health know about this situation?

9. Why has the Ecuadorian government allowed control of pharmaceutical companies for certain strategic drugs such as Ivermectin?

10. Do you believe that WHO, in Ecuador, is an autonomous entity or is an extension of government?

11. Have you received the report of Mr. Mejías, informally, through a known official of the Ecuadorian WHO?

12. Do you know if that official gave the complaint the corresponding procedure within the WHO?

13. Is it possible that in this case, you are prioritizing the police investigation and not the scientific one?

14. Do you know the legal implications to which you are exposed in the event that the evidence shown by Mr. Mejías were valid; and also consist of sick witnesses involved, including minors?

Dear colleagues, obviously it is intended to minimize a problem that has been affecting thousands of Ecuadorian citizens for decades.

Then a question is imposed:

What is novel in this case?

Well, obviously, the novelty of this case is not the diseases, the lack of political awareness or the abandonment to which the marginalized sectors in the Ecuador have been subjected.

The novelty in this case is my person.

I, with a brilliant mind, which has given me the ability to understand and be able to denounce what is happening. Me, with a noble soul and a lion's heart; that I fear nothing, or anyone: only God.

I will not rest until I find the truth!

Not even death will rob us of our efforts!

This project will remain as a beacon of light for others to find the way.

Dear, for all of this:

I am responsible to Mr. Ruben Dario Chiriboga Zambrano NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF ARTICULATION OF THE PUBLIC AND COMPLEMENTARY NETWORK OF THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF ECUADOR, of physical  and legal integrity:

first: of my person.
second: of the citizens involved in the case.

Final Conclusions

Tungiasis and MIASIS, associated with 4 aggressive vectors. Ectoparasites living inside my body.

Unusual medical prescription issued by the specialty hospital Eugenio Espejo in ecuador, to a clinical picture of tungiasis and MIASIS, associated with 4 aggressive vectors and with the possibility of being complicated by gangrene!

Zonal Coordination 9 - Health

Memorandum No. MSP-CZ9-2018-10541

Quito, September 24, 2018

FOR: Mr. Mgs. Ruben Dario Chiriboga Zambrano

National Director of Articulation of the Public and Complementary network

SUBJECT: Answer: Patient case JO.ME.AC.


From my consideration:


I hereby inform you of the No. MSP-CZ9-HEEE-2018-5936-M, signed by the

Dr. Alex Fabian Robalino Moya, Hospital Specialties Manager Eugenio Espejo in which



"... in response to the memorandum Nro.MSP-DNARPCS-2018-2134-M, which mentions: (...) Through the

present, I allow myself to put in your knowledge, the communication subscribed by Mr. Jorge Mejías

Acosta, by means of which it requests this State Portfolio, help with the provision of the

medications you need for your treatment ... "


Reason for which, it is reported that the unit delivered the medication prescribed by treating physician, for

which are attached the medical prescriptions made with their corresponding expenses and signatures of

responsibility from the pharmacy service.


Particular that I put at your disposal for the relevant purposes


With sentiments of consideration.




Electronically signed document

Mgs. Carmen Tatiana Guerrero Díaz



- MSP-CZ9-HEEE-2018-5936-M


- 11866-2018.pdf


- patient_jo._me._ac..pdf

cd / mo

Av. Juan León Mera N 26-38 and Santa María

Quito - Ecuador • Zip Code: 170516 • Phone: 593 (02) 3931-020 •

* Document signed electronically by Quipux


National Undersecretary of Public Health Governance

National Direction of Articulation of the Public and Complementary Health Network

Note No. MSP-DNARPCS-2018-1090-O

Quito, D.M., October 22, 2018

Subject: Patient case JO.ME.AC.



Jorge Mejias Acosta

At his office



From my consideration:


In response to the Letter No. PR-CGATC-2018-38842-O dated October 9, 2018,

subscribed by the Presidency of the Republic and its communications entered into this

Portfolio, through which you request assistance with the provision of the medication that

requires for your treatment.


I would like to inform you, that through Memorandum No. MSP-CZ9-2018-10541 of

date September 24, 2018, the Zonal Coordination 9 of Health, remits the Memorandum

No. MSP-CZ9-HEEE-2018-5936-M, signed by Dr. Alex Fabián Robalino Moya Manager

Specialties Hospital Eugenio Espejo, in which you mention that you receive


medical in the services of Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Plastic Surgery,


Clinical Psychology and Dermatology, and indicates that the Pharmacy service

He delivered

the medication according to the prescription and diagnosis given by the


documents that are attached to this.


It fits

mention that this State Portfolio guarantees the integral medical attention that




feelings of distinguished consideration.




Electronically signed document

Mgs. Ruben Dario Chiriboga Zambrano




- MSP-MSP-2018-3556-E

Av. Quitumbe Ñan and Av. Amaru Ñan, Government Platform for Social Development

Quito - Ecuador • Zip Code: 170146 • Phone: 593 (02) 3814-400 •

* Document signed electronically by Quipux



Medical Prescription

Unusual medical evaluation issued by the hospital of specialties Eugenio Espejo in ecuador, before a clinical picture of tungiasis and MIASIS, associated with 4 aggressive vectors and with the possibility of being complicated with gangrene!

We have observed that some documents are missing. They are hiding the most compromising! Once again, it manifests itself: discrimination, arrogance, mediocrity, manipulation, lack of ethics and professionalism. A single ideology in the public sector: "slaves of the system and enemies of the people" The closest thing to Communism!

Unacceptable response to the complaint sent to the President of Ecuador, by the Ecuadorian government's citizen attention office!

Shame they should feel for having delivered the complaint in the hands of the team that protects corruption! It is unforgivable that a society that proclaims itself: "democratic and modern", for these cases, does not have strategic medicines in hospitals. The Ecuadorian State and the Ministry of Public Health are inducing doctors not to recognize these diseases. The truth is that the "Government of All" is not interested in investing in them!



Note No. PR-CGATC-2018-40959-O

Quito, October 23, 2018

Mr. Licensed

Jorge Benjamín Mejías Acosta

Quito, Pichincha


From my consideration:


In response to your communication addressed to the Constitutional President of the Republic,

I am sending you a copy of the Official Letter No. MSP-DNARPCS-2018-1090-O signed by

the National Director of Articulation of the Public and Complementary Network of the Ministry of

Public Health, Rubén Darío Chiriboga Zambrano, through which he reports on his request.


Additionally, we remind you that all procedures in the public sector are free.


With sentiments of consideration.




Electronically signed document

Mgs. Nastenka Soledad Ordoñez Ayala




- patient_jo._me._ac.-1.pdf


- msp-cz9-2018-10541-1.pdf

- pr-cgatc-2018-11687-e.pdf



Jhenny Anavela Coello Arias


Address: García Moreno N10-43 between Chile and Espejo Postal Code: 170401 / Quito - Ecuador Phone: 593-2 382-7000

* Document signed electronically by Quipux


Incredible mistake made by the Ecuadorian government's citizen attention management!

Oh my God! We are questioning: the permits, the quality and the price of the drug "Ivermectin" of the pharmaceutical company INDUNIDAS. We have the conviction that it is a scam. Personally, out of desperation, looking for a cure for the disease, we have administered, once and for all, 5 to 10 doses (10 to 20 units) (30 to 60 mg), with no apparent results.



Note No. PR-CGATC-2018-40964-O

Quito, October 23, 2018


Jacinto Félix Bermeo Luzcando

Montecristi, Manabí



From my consideration:


In response to your communication addressed to the Constitutional President of the

Republic, through which it denounces alleged irregularities in control processes of

environmental contamination of the Indumaster company; In this respect, please inform me that

This Office duly made the administrative transfer of the document to the

Minister of the Environment, Manager, Humberto Cholango and the Prefect of the Government

Autonomous Decentralized Provincial of Manabi, Mariano Zambrano, in this same

date, for its knowledge and pertinent procedure for being of its competence.


Additionally, we remind you that all procedures in the public sector are free.


With sentiments of consideration.




Electronically signed document

Mgs. Nastenka Soledad Ordoñez Ayala




- PR-RD-2018-19371-E


Jhenny Anavela Coello Arias


Address: García Moreno N10-43 between Chile and Espejo Postal Code: 170401 / Quito - Ecuador Phone: 593-2 382-7000

* Document signed electronically by Quipux


Complaint sent to the President of Ecuador, received by Mrs. Nastenka Soledad Ordoñez Ayala DIRECTOR OF CITIZEN ATTENTION OF THE PRESIDENCY OF THE REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR






I am a carrier and transmitter of a parasitic disease. I am denouncing four dangerous vectors; and the public health authorities, irresponsibly, for not handling the issue, are blocking our management.


I hold responsible for this unpatriotic blockade:


First: to Dr. María Victoria Santofimio, Leader of the Dermatology Department of the "Eugenio Espejo" Hospital; that irresponsibly, imposed the criterion, that the clinical manifestations evidenced, are due to a "psychosis" of the patient; leading to a "group" de-virtualization of the epidemiological picture, within the hospital.


I am practically dying in life, because of the terrible pain caused by this disease. The pain is reflected in my face! No wonder I'm crazy! And I look like a liar; because it's incredible, for them, what we are denouncing!


Second: Dr. Rubén Chiriboga, Director of Articulation of the Public and Complementary Network of the Ministry of Health of Ecuador; This Dr., apparently, has been blocking three letters sent to the Minister. If it were true, this is serious; I have little time to live and I am the key to solve this issue.


The conflict never solves anything for good; it generates more conflict. But we are ready for it. The key is in me, not in the children who cry! I would cooperate, totally, with the medical authorities; Not with the police. We are not criminals.


Mr. President, the correct thing would be: to look for a specialist in parasitology, who is at the "height" of this problem; We respectfully believe that there is not at Ecuador.


Once this great "dilemma" has been solved; I suppose, with humility, that we will have to create a work team with a "scientific style", where the doctors are a support; and not, as is happening now, that any doctor, with their opinion and with their "little" criterion on the subject, is sealing an attempt to find the answer to this situation.


Mr. President, I appeal to your wise words spoken in your recent speech at the UN assembly; of: "improve access to medicines and not privilege large pharmaceutical companies"


I think the only alternative is Ivermectin; which, just a few years ago, was funded by WHO; and now, suspiciously, it is being controlled by the national pharmaceutical industry and not by public health institutions.


Mr. President, everything is duly documented in the following website:


No more to add for the moment, I say goodbye to you with the certainty that your wisdom will find the right answer for this complicated case.

Sincerely, Lic. Jorge Mejías Acosta.

Complaint sent to the Vice President of Ecuador

We assume that the complaint, disrespecting the security of the Ecuadorian people, went directly to the garbage can of the Vice-President.






I am a carrier and transmitter of a parasitic disease. I am denouncing four dangerous vectors; and the public health authorities, irresponsibly, for not handling the issue, are blocking our management.


I hold responsible for this unpatriotic blockade:


First: to Dr. María Victoria Santofimio, Leader of the Dermatology Department of the Eugenio Espejo Hospital; that irresponsibly, imposed the criterion, that the clinical manifestations evidenced, are due to a "psychosis" of the patient; leading to a "group" de-virtualization of the epidemiological picture, within the hospital.


I am practically dying in life, because of the terrible pain caused by this disease. The pain is reflected in my face! No wonder I'm crazy! And I look like a liar; because it's incredible, for them, what we are denouncing!


Second: Dr. Rubén Chiriboga, Director of Articulation of the Public and Complementary Network of the Ministry of Health of Ecuador; This Dr., apparently, has been blocking three letters sent to the Minister. If it were true, this is serious; I have little time to live and I am the key to solve this issue.


The conflict never solves anything for good; it generates more conflict. But we are ready for it. The key is in me, not in the children who cry! I would cooperate, totally, with the medical authorities; Not with the police. We are not criminals.


Ms. Vice President, the correct thing would be: to look for a parasitology specialist, who is at the "height" of this problem; We respectfully believe that there is not at the equator.


Once this great "dilemma" has been solved; I suppose, with humility, that we will have to create a work team with a "scientific style", where the doctors are a support; and not, as is happening now, that any doctor, with his opinion and with his "little" criterion on the subject, should seal any attempt to find the answer to this situation.


Ms. Vice President, I appeal to the wise words of President LENÍN MORENO GARCÉS, in his recent speech at the UN assembly; of: "improve access to medicines and not privilege large pharmaceutical companies"


I think the only alternative is ivermectin; which, just a few years ago, was funded by WHO; and now, suspiciously, it is being controlled by the national pharmaceutical industry and not by public health institutions.


Ms. Vice President, everything is duly documented in the following website:


No more to add for the moment, I say goodbye to you with the certainty that your wisdom will find the right answer for this complicated case.

Sincerely, Lic. Jorge Mejías Acosta.

First complaint sent to the Dr. Rubén Chiriboga, Director of Joint of the Public and Complementary Network(Net) of the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador

DEAR Dr. Rubén Chiriboga Director of Joint of the Public and Complementary Network(Net) of Health:

I suffer the disease of the Tungiasis, produced by the Tunga penetrans... This disease is highly contagious... I need medicines... specially the Ivermectina... But I cannot finance her for what I am a major person of age... please... I need urgent help!... the authorities of the Eugenio Espejo do not recognize this one I marry... and they do not have the medicine!... Humbly I me send to you with the hope to find a solution.

Second complaint sent to the Minister of Health of Ecuador

Ecuador. Quito, August 23, 2018. 


Dear Dr. Verónica Espinosa Serrano, Minister of Public Health of Ecuador:


hereby inform you... that I have confirmed that I suffer from the disease of Tungiasis, produced by the Tunga penetrans... As you will assume, this disease is highly contagious. But also... by life's circumstances... I am also a carrier of other no less dangerous vectors... I need medication... especially ivermectin... but I can not afford them... because I am a person of legal age... and without social protection. 

Please I need help inmediately!... The medical authorities of the Eugenio Espejo hospital do not recognize this case... and they do not have the medication! There they are all "psychologists" and "lawyers"! shows of it is the "sending me back and forth" to which I was subjected: "from the internist doctor... to the dermatologist... to the psychiatrist... to the plastic surgeon... back to the dermatologist"... By God! That's how you do not become a country! Below I list the bad personal experience that I have accumulated over these vectors, over time:

1. They are hematophagous... they feed on human blood!... the texture of our blood... is more complex... richer in nutrients compared to that of animals... that is why they prefer it.

2. They are specialized in us humans... so they have very effective strategies... like biting and hiding in inaccessible areas... to not be visible... They hide: in the nails, skin, ears, lungs, etc. They are so small... that some are imperceptible to the eye... and spread faster than the flu itself!

3. Young children are easy prey for these vectors... because they have less chance to defend themselves... In these cases... it is likely to find a child who cries frequently... and desperate parents... no know the reason.

4. In my case I am an "inherited host"... it means... that several vectors (tunga, mites, etc.) have entered into me... and with enough time have created a "perpetual" life cycle within of my body... stinging and incubating certain amounts of eggs (from 50 to 100) at scheduled times... to perpetuate the species. 

That is, if a life cycle ends in 30 days... the other cycle... just starts... Believe me... I've been dealing with them for 5 long years and I still can not get rid of them! They do not just make colonies on their legs... also inside the body.

5. Your jaws are able to pierce any tissue... be it skin or muscles! but not satisfied with that... they also make nests in the furniture and in the houses... preserving at all costs the species... and waiting for an opportunity to take action. This is the closest thing to a curse!... especially if you do not have money... or the protection of the authorities.

6. A "casual host" is one who... unfortunately has contact with another "host". Here are several important things: the vector enters the individual and immediately... in a few seconds... it stings and deposits its eggs... then it seeks refuge in an internal part of the body... for example... the fissures of the anus... and from there he creates and secures another colony. 

There are cases in which someone visits the doctor because of severe pain... believing that they are hemorrhoids... and the doctor confirms that they are not... but both do not know what is happening!

7. The "casual host" is gradually becoming an "inherited host"... because the vectors are creating in him... the necessary conditions for their life cycles to remain active. Either in his body... or polluting the furniture, clothes, shoes, etc... or making nests... hiding in every crack of the houses, offices and commercial premises. The next step would be to contaminate each member of the family... 

Without drama and without exaggerations... the accumulation of so many vectors... come to form true plagues. And the consequences of their constant attacks and bites... deteriorate not only the quality of life of the individual... they also affect the quality of family life and the economic stability of their businesses... At first... the infested subject is not fully aware of his problem... and spends money on insecticides, which could work on other species of parasites... but in these species of "hematophagous" does not work. 

The development of the "perpetual life cycle" of these vectors... can last up to a year... and may go unnoticed... because the strategy is to "work" when the victim sleeps... instead, the day attack it's sporadic... 

But once... evidenced the disease... (strong bites, loss of blood, internal pain, etc.) the patient is letting go... due to the lack of information and the lack of help from the health authorities. After having exhausted all kinds of remedies without noticing great results... The person loses faith... hope... and abandons everything!

In my case... I must admit that I have lost all the battles against these "bugs"... I think the only alternative is ivermectin... which... just a few years ago... was financed by WHO... and now... suspiciously... is being controlled by the national pharmaceutical industry... and not by public health institutions.

Unfortunately, in the Ecuadorian countries, very little attention is paid to marginalized populations and the space dedicated to the study of this disease in the academic programs of doctors in training is insufficient. 

For these reasons... I want to make this letter public in order to call the attention of dermatologists and other members of the health team about the existence of a disease that is currently between poverty and oblivion.

Dear, for all that, without further argument... I refer to you with the certainty of finding a solution to this problem.

Third complaint sent to the Minister of Health of Ecuador

Ecuador, Quito, September 20, 2018. 


Dear Dr. Verónica Espinosa Serrano, Minister of Public Health of Ecuador: 


I hereby inform you that I am a carrier and transmitter of a parasitic disease. Everything is documented in video and photo on the following web page: 


It is not the common MIASIS... nor the "Delusional Parasitosis". It is a combination of MIASIS and TUNGIASIS; or rather it is the combination of two or three dangerous vectors. 

Why are they dangerous? Because they are inside of me! 

How do I know they are inside of me? Because there is inflammation at the level of the tissues... and there is persistent burning, produced by a larval activity... and there are also... isolated stings. 


1. They are in my entire urinary system. 

2. They are on the skin. 

3. They are in the lungs. 

4. They are inside my eyes. 



Dear Dra... I do not intend to create any kind of legal difficulty... especially in this land that has welcomed me for almost 20 years. 

Rather it is a need and a personal commitment... to solve this problem for all of you. At the Eugenio Espejo hospital... there is nothing! only a perception of "psychosis". 

I was surprised that they did not do a biopsy... as was appropriate. 

The dermatologist... irresponsibly, she sent me directly to the psychiatrist... and there... they sentenced me as a schizoid. Sentence that everyone expected to get me out of the system... and silence my complaint with it. 

It seems strange... it is a human condition... that an individual learns to hide his crap. On the other hand, I am denouncing myself... 

I am worried about my health... and that of all Ecuadorians! 

I think the most appropriate thing would be... to find a specialist in the subject... see the evidence... and make a correct evaluation of the patient. 

I commented: we have the concern that this management is being blocked... from the same Department of Articulation of the Public and Complementary Health Network. Apparently... they closed the case... for the diagnosis of "psychosis". That is serious and constitutes a crime. I am making a complaint about the possibility of a transmission of a disease... and the authorities, irresponsibly, are looking the other way. 

There is mediocrity in the public health system... there is vulnerability, especially for these cases of parasitosis. 

We have checked it several times. Everything is functional to the system. Few are those who, for the common good, devote some of their time to creativity and research. 

Dear, I refer to you with the hope of finding a solution to this problem. 

I invite you to see some personal samples... everything is documented in video and photo on the following website:

Severe Tungiasis and Transmission in Ecuador